Week 6 One Room Challenge|| Kick Back, Grab a Drink and Sit By the Fire As I take you on a tour of our New Patio

Week 6 One Room Challenge|| Kick Back, Grab a Drink and Sit By the Fire As I take you on a tour of our New Patio

Reveal day for my Fall 2020 One Room Challenge is here!!!! A huge thank you to Linda from One Room Challenge , Better Homes and Gardens and High Point Market for keeping this event going. 2020 has admittedly been a tough year for all of us but being part of this challenge with so many talented designers, all creating beautiful things together, has really made this last part of the year pretty uplifting. I urge you all to go check out the ORC blog to look through all the amazing designs that have been completed the past six weeks. I promise, you will not be disappointed.

Week 5 Fall One Room Challenge || The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Week 5 Fall One Room Challenge || The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Friends, we are nearing the end of the Fall 2020 One Room Challenge. Have you checked out all of the amazing projects happening with this challenge? If not, go now and catch up! Click here to see all the beautiful things happening!

Last week I left you with the gas leaks, rain delays, and lots of frustrations. This week the skies cleared and, though there are still frustrations, questions on how in the world we’re gonna finish this in time, the end is so so close! I can feel it and SEE it! Are you all ready to see the progress?

Week 2: Fall ORC Challenge Update || Pergolas and Cement

Week 2: Fall ORC Challenge Update || Pergolas and Cement

t’s week two of the Fall One Room Challenge! Have you checked out the other projects happening? Definitely take I want to take some time to go through them. Trust me, it's worth your time!I want to take you back a bit to the beginning of this project. We started planning this out in March and broke ground in early August. We made some progress and then everything stopped for weeks. Because of shipping and material delays and also weather nothing happened for a real long time. I’m happy to say that the past two weeks we are finally making real progress but I want to catch you all up to where we currently are. So lean back and enjoy this little walk through the past two months.

Building the Perfect Guest Bedroom

Building the Perfect Guest Bedroom

Alright alright! It’s time for the guest bedroom reveal my friends! I apologize for not doing this sooner but hey, I couldn’t give you ALL the surprises at once, right? Where’s the fun in that? If you remember a couple of months back, I put together an inspiration board to pulling together an inviting and comfortable room for our overnight guests.

One Room Challenge Week 6!!!!!!! Is this Heaven? No, it's our Basement! The Big Reveal!!!

One Room Challenge Week 6!!!!!!! Is this Heaven? No, it's our Basement! The Big Reveal!!!

Wowza you all! I don’t think I’ve been this tired in a very very long time. I feel like it’s college exam week and the coffee, slurpees and cheesy fries just aren’t working to keep me peppy and creative. But we are finally to the finish line! The basement is complete(ish). I mean is a space ever really complete? We’re gonna call this a win though because it’s the one place in our house that our whole family has helped design and that makes it pretty darn good.

Lets take a quick trip down memory lane and look back on where we started. I can’t resist a good “before” shot.

Week 4 One Room Challenge: Bathroom Diaries

Week 4 One Room Challenge: Bathroom Diaries

Week four!!!!! We are almost to the finish line folks. Today I made rounds to all the stores to return extra flooring, bathroom tile and backsplash and it felt real good. You know why? Because we are wrapping things up! Alright so who’s ready for a bathroom progress report?

Week 3 One Room Challenge: Floors, bathroom and stairs!

Week 3 One Room Challenge: Floors, bathroom and stairs!

Well we’re half way through the One Room Challenge and things are FINALLY starting to take shape. You know that period during the renovation when you feel like it’s never going to end? We were there and then the floors went in and the bathroom started looking like a bathroom and hope springs eternal!!!!

As a reminder, we chose a luxury vinyl for our flooring that could hold up to boys, husbands and dogs (if the dogs ever decide to head down to the basement). I knew the flooring would look amazing but seeing really is believing! First of all, the lock in process is awesome and makes the whole process pretty quick. But hello! How real is this project getting now that the floors are down? Can we all say AMEN?!

Week 2 One Room Challenge: Foundations, Floors and a little Fun too!

Week 2 One Room Challenge: Foundations, Floors and a little Fun too!

Welcome to week 2 of the One Room Challenge! As a little refresher. we are renovating our unfinished basement and turning it into a hangout area for the boys, adding a guest room and bathroom. Lots and lots of moving parts come with that and because of that we had to call in the professionals. We chose a great, local company, Greenpoint Services, to work with to help us transform this basement. First things first, they had to tackle the water problem.